A college application essay can sometimes be the determining factor in whether a student becomes accepted into a college or not. Additionally, the application essays are important because they provide an opportunity for the potential student to showcase their best qualities, their aspirations, and qualifications to be considered for selection by the college admission committee. Therefore, the college application essay for any student must be able to standout while also conveying their message briefly but with as much information as possible. Since an essay is of considerable importance when sorting students who have qualified based on their academic merit, a college application essay requires both an ability to express one’s competencies and an adherence to structure and format associated with the application essays.

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The heading of a college application essay is an important part of the format of writing such essays because it is likely what the readers in the college admission committee may encounter first. Consequently, the student needs to craft an essay heading that draws in the reader or captures their imagination. This would be important is generating interest in what the rest of the paper is about. Furthermore, it is also important to note that the college application essay heading format requires the heading to be less than ten words. Moreover, the heading should also be in bold type, with a font size slightly larger than normal text in the paper and centered on the top part of the first page of the paper. The heading of the college application essay should be able to both reflect and compliment the content in the body section of the essay. However, it must also be noted that not all colleges require a heading section in their application essays and the student must take great care to shape, structure, and format the application essay with template preferred by the specific college.


What is the significance of the heading of a college application essay?

The heading is usually amongst the first components that the admission committee comes across and which determines its initial impression about the material of the essay.

What should be the format to write application heading for college application essay?

The heading should be no more than 10 words long, in bold type and about 20% larger than the text and placed in the center of the page, on the first page only.

Should all college application essays contain a heading?

How should the heading be in relation to the essay?

The heading should therefore be in harmony with the content of the essay providing the reader with an idea of the general theme or subject matter of the essay.